On Fear!

A frequent comment I get from friends and co-workers when I tell them I’m taking two years off to go sailing is, “You’re so brave!” Ssshhh…don’t tell anyone but I’m not.  The farthest thing from it.  I’m Yellow Bellied.  Lily-livered.  Chicken.  Gutless.  A Scardey Cat.  People will ask me, “Aren’t you scared of rogue waves?”  I think to myself, “I didn’t think about that one…maybe I should be?!”  I’m scared of bad weather, grounding the boat, getting acutely sick without access to urgent care, getting premature wrinkles from being in the sun so much, landing the dinghy on a beach when there are waves, not having regular access to laundry facilities, staying awake during night watch, cooking while underway in rough conditions…the list goes on.

I fear the unknown. For me, a big portion of doing this trip is to conquer some of that fear.  I think the trick is to try and focus on what’s dangerous instead of what’s uncomfortable.  Rounding Point Conception, surfing down 15-20 foot swells with winds gusting up to 41 knots was uncomfortable, not dangerous.  Personally, I prefer to be comfortable.  The reality of our trip is that we’ll have lower lows but we’ll also have higher highs.  My goal is to more gracefully endure the uncomfortable lows in order to better appreciate the really good stuff.  Wish me luck.



5 Responses to On Fear!

  1. Anonymous

    That sounds like a brilliant plan. I don’t know about the lows but I know the highs are going to be unbelievable! Can’t wait to hear about them over beers in a couple of years 😉

  2. Tracy

    Love this post Jen!!! Your highs are going to be amazing and we can’t wait to hear all about them!

    Tracy & (and John and Hannah)

  3. Anonymous

    So well put Jen. Enjoying sharing the journey from my comfy chair (ok, we wish we were doing it as well).

  4. roger and pattie

    Love your site, we have been keeping track of your voyage both at home and in school. Love your honesty about fear. Your fear is natural, with all the beauty an adventure that goes with it. Tell Dante hello and be safe.. the mom in me talking… We will keep track and a close watch of all information happening.. will write soon, cannot wait to see you… Love to all Pattie, Roger, Paul and Cynthia P.S. will communicate through cell phone or blogging or email.. sorry I do not do facebook etc…not a good choice for my profession, sorry Darold.. LOL…

  5. Cher

    I will never believe you are a scaredy cat or any of those other names. I do believe in conquering fear, however. Keep the updates coming. love, Cher

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