Ever since I first met my husband (in college) he has dreamed of sailing around the world.  It took him about ten years to convince me to join him and another five years of preparing.  Soon we will be untied from our dock.  It’s true that the hardest part of embarking on an extended sailing trip is actually leaving.  It is an unbelievable amount of planning.  Getting the boat ready, renting our the house, homeschooling, vaccinations, medicines, provisioning…it’s enough to discourage anyone from realizing a dream; especially those of us who are an innocent bystander of someone else’s dream.   But dreams are contagious and I am now eager to set sail for faraway lands.

I’ve realized that the only difference between someone who says that they want to do something big and someone who actually does something big is not genius or inspiration.  It’s the drudgery of planning and working the plan.  But I most confess, we probably over prepared for this trip.  My husband is a very safety conscious and a detail-oriented person, and I am a Nervous Nellie so, well …. there you have it.

We are very excited to shove off – September 28.    And in addition to the thrill of traveling to new places we are even more thrilled to leave the grind of Silicon Valley and have quality time as a family.   We are going to ease the main, spill some wind from our sails, and just slow down.

Where does all the stuff go?  Time to start purging!





Getting Closer – We are almost done provisioning.

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Donating our car to Car Talk.

We got 17 years out of it.  Not bad.


 Dante getting use to his new room.DSCN8775

Watching the America’s Cup. The Kiwis almost capsize this race.


