Entries from 'In The News'
Latitude 38: January, 2015
Latitude 38, “the west’s leading sailing and marine magazine” published part 1 of the first year of our voyage in the January, 2015 print issue. It’s available online here: http://www.latitude38.com/changes/Changes01-15.html#benevento Benevento — Pacific Seacraft 40 The Massaro Family The Other Latitude 38 (San Francisco) It’s been more than 12,000 nautical miles since we —…
Ocean Navigator Online
Ocean Navigator Magazine published an article online about Benevento and its crew on November 11, 2014 http://www.oceannavigator.com/Web-Exclusives-2014/No-doubt-a-voyager/ Some boats are fitted out in a way that leaves no doubt they’re ready for sailing on wide ranging passages. Benevento, a Pacific Seacraft 40 owned by Jennifer and Darold Massaro, is just such a boat. Benevento is…